Wednesday, March 11, 2020

13 Habits That Make You Look Unprofessional At Work

13 Habits That Make You Look Unprofessional At Work The idea of whats professional has largely changed over the years. Email andsocial mediahave made communication mora casual, and in most industries,what you wear to workprobably looks quite different from how employees dressed for similar jobs 30 years ago. But some habits just never look good -- so if you want to maintain your reputation and avoid embarrassment, you better make sure yourenotdoing unterstellung 13 things while at work1. Taking tons of personal phone calls.Everyone has a life outside of work, so the occasional quick phone call to your doctor or sister is no big deal. But no one wants to hear you arguing with your husband or talking about the rash on your foot for more than a few minutes. So save the personal conversations for post-work hours -- or if youre dealing with something urgent, take the call outside or in an area where you wont be bothering your colleagues.2. Catching up on Instagram. We all get distracted b y social media sometimes, but youmustminimize your scrolling when youre at the office. Theres a time (after work) and a place (on your couch) to get up-to-speed on what your best friends cousin made for breakfast. If you use social media for your job, dont think for a second that your coworkers wont realize if youre looking at your friends new engagement photos rather than whatevers relevant to your company.3. Sending snapchats. As hard as it is to resist seeing what you look like as a dog, wait. til. you. get. home. Those filters arent going to disappear overnight (OK, some of them are), but taking snapchat selfies at work (or any kind of selfies, for that matter) isnevera good look.4. Being (chronically) late. Were all a few minutes late sometimes....especially if were depending on unreliable public transportation. But while the occasional five-minute tardiness might be understood, its not cool to show up half an hour late every day. Not only does it make you seem like you dont ha ve youre a hot mess together, but it also makes your co-workers resent you for not being respectful of their time.5. Whining. Its not cute. Sometimes you just need to vent, but dont overdo it -- especially at work. If youre struggling not to complain about something work-related, talk to your manager about how you can resolve the issue.6. Gossiping.We all know how it feels to bond over a mutual dislike of something or someone. But too much negativity is never a good thing, and these kinds of conversations can be especially dangerous at work. Stop about your coworkers, because youre working with them whether you like it or not. If youdowant to confide in a friend at work, be productive instead brainstorm ways to improve your relationship with the colleague whos pissing you off.7. Playing games on your phone. Whether youre a Candy Crush fanatic or a Words With Friends pro, work is not the place. Ever.8. Being passive aggressive. Youre not in middle school. If somethings bothering you, be polite but upfront about it.9. Being messy. Do what you please at home. But at work, where youre coexisting with other people for (too many) hours every single day, dont leave the remnants of your lunch on your desk through the afternoon -- and dont hoard random crap youre never going to look at again.10. Clipping or filing your nails. Enough said.11. Talking with your mouth full. This isnt appealing in any context, but among your colleagues, be especially mindful of how gross it can be. If youre eating at your desk or during a casual meeting, wait to chime in untilafteryou swallow that bite.12. Calling in sick. Sick is in quotes for a reason. If youre not well, of course you should be resting at home But dont call in sick and then Instagram a pic of you and your friend frolicking in the park. Either ask for a day off or go to work -- but dont lie about your whereabouts. People will catch on.13. Being unresponsive. You dont need to answer emails 24/7. But when somethings importa nt, dont leave people hanging for longer than you need to. The key to being a team player at work is being communicative, so make sure youre transparent about what youre working on and how youre contributing.While being professional means different things to different people, we can all agree that there are some basic faux-pas you want to steer clear of at work. Bring your best self (but not selfies) to the office every day to ensure youll be able to work well with your teamFairygodboss is committed to improving the workplace and lives of women.Join us by reviewing your employer

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